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Showing posts from May, 2019

What Does Your Office Say About You: A Mature Professional Or A Party Animal?

How fascinating it can be to have your office space decked up like you are actually in a disco, partying. Wait a minute. A disco in an office? Sit back and think about what should be one’s real motivation to come to the office. Have fun or get work done? Today's work culture is taking a toll on our productivity. Work is becoming more agile. Offices are becoming casual, and interactive setups. Be it from a startup or a well-established company, everyone has a coffee shop vibe to their workplace. But can a business be successful when employees are not productive?  This is a complex issue that requires a closer look at the workspace that an employee spends most of his/her time at. Ideal features of a professional workspace include: Well furnished setup Neat work desk Soothing Walls Subtle colors Calm and peaceful infrastructure Office surroundings affect individuals' productivity. Now imagine skilled, high paid professionals suffering in poor office setup