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3 Office Design Concepts that People Love

A startup entrepreneur and a corporate executive have a similar set of tools, strategies, and skills to execute their tasks. Yet, placing them in a similar environment and exposing them to the same ambiance, may turn out to be counter-productive. Could this be because of the environment they are exposed to?

Office design is never considered a factor when designing spaces for employees. Like medicines that are prescribed as a ‘one size fits all’ concept, so too has office design been implemented so rigorously and dogmatically that it often ends up defying its very purpose. A number of research papers have proven that standard office design catering to a wide set of individuals, teams, and companies often ends up hampering work, affecting productivity and harming well being in the long term.

Take the ‘open office’ concept which is so prevalent today. Initially conceived as a way to engage, collaborate and streamline work and increase transparency, this concept cannot be applied everywhere. Research firm Gesler showed that many employees who need focus in their work often feel distracted, fidgety and suffer low productivity in an open office. Similarly, closed office space may make employees feel suffocated and hamper collaboration.

Given the way employees react with their office spaces, it is a balance of continuum and collaboration and a range between them which is optimal. Office design is a crucial aspect that needs to be factored into employee happiness, engagement and productivity.

The majority of office spaces built today are at opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to design. Instead of having just one office environment, it takes a collage of them to cater to different individuals, departments and needs. This is really where a good co-working space caters holistically to everyone concerned. Sales teams and their employees need constant engagement and collaboration, and an open space works optimally for them. On the other hand, people engaged in tasks such as research, reporting, and design need quiet, contemplative spaces with privacy.

Golden Square has hosted companies, both well established and start-ups since 20+ years. Below are 3 important design concepts that positively affect people who work here.


Office design is often completed before employees get a chance to work in them. In fact, the opposite of it should happen. The way people work should drive design. This becomes a holistic way of designing a space. At Golden Square, corporate executives, sales managers, entrepreneurs and people from different professions come and work. Space is designed to facilitate interaction and enhance productivity at all times. While creative people can work in a quiet private space without disturbance when the need arises, others like sales managers can take calls and engage in conversations without fear of disturbance. By adapting the place to people and designing around their needs, we ensure everyone gets what they want.


Communal spaces are tricky. They are great for large scale collaboration and engagement, as well as for more focused and personal interaction. Studies have shown that there’s a minimum threshold in which people like to engage no matter where in the office they find space. Multiple collaborative spaces were therefore what Golden Square found perfect to address this need. Conference rooms of different capacities, cafeteria, an open terrace and more, people can decide their choices on what space works for them and carry on conversations as per their needs.


Offices are often designed from the perspective of their intended purpose, which is generic ‘work’. Re-thinking this will ensure that the design happens from the point of reference of any employee actually working there. Exposed to the four walls of an office for 6-10 hours a day, 5 days a week means employees are staring continually at an ambiance that can potentially affect them often harmfully. To ensure the ambiance affects them in a good way and they stay productive continually, the walls and interiors must be designed in a way that there are positive takeaways. A mix of different styles, differing tastes, cultures, and communities have been considered while putting together the interiors at Golden Square. This has included adding eclectic paintings to walls, positive quotes and infusing color, adding modular furniture and other interesting quirks. Having got the feedback from people, it is this that we constantly try to incorporate.

As important as laptops and desks are to people to ensure their optimal productivity, so too are the spaces in which they work. By offering a wide variety of options, Golden Square wants to ensure that people feel at home in an environment they spend the most time working in.


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